November 2017

Be Ware of Testers!

I recently contributed my advise to “Today” regarding a lawsuit filed against Sephora. Apparently, a woman using a tester contracted am infection which caused her major health problems. I was asked how I avoid this problem when working with multiple people. Aside from sharpening my pencils and washing my brushes twice when I get home from a job I use an alcohol spray on all of my products to kill any harmful bacteria. I strongly suggest that when you are at the store purchasing makeup, use a tester on your arm and call it a day! Never use anyone else’s makeup unless you have proper cleansing materials on-hand.

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Don’t Ever…

consider putting Using Preparation H around your eye area in an attempt to tighten the skin! I addressed this subject in “The Complete Book of Makeup” and believed that this fad was a thing of the past; however, was surprised to learn recently that there are still a few buying into this fallacy. The truth of the matter is that the skin will change texture and become discolored over a short amount of time, so please keep the product for its intended use of hemorrhoids.

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